AWS announces general availability of Amazon Q

May 22, 2024 | 12:14
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Amazon Web Services, Inc. (AWS), an, Inc. company (NASDAQ: AMZN), has announced the general availability of Amazon Q, the most capable generative artificial intelligence (AI)-powered assistant for accelerating software development and leveraging companies’ internal data.

Amazon Q not only generates highly accurate code, it also tests, debugs, and has multistep planning and reasoning capabilities that can transform (e.g., perform Java version upgrades) and implement new code generated from developer requests. Amazon Q also makes it easier for employees to get answers to questions across business data such as company policies, product information, business results, code base, employees, and many other topics by connecting to enterprise data repositories to summarize the data logically, analyse trends, and engage in dialogue about the data.

AWS announces general availability of Amazon Q
AWS announces general availability of Amazon Q

AWS is also introducing Amazon Q Apps, a new and powerful capability that lets employees build generative AI apps from their company’s data. Employees simply describe the type of app they want, in natural language, and Q Apps will quickly generate an app that accomplishes their desired task, helping them streamline and automate their daily work with ease and efficiency.

“Amazon Q is the most capable generative AI-powered assistant available today with industry-leading accuracy, advanced agents capabilities, and best-in-class security that helps developers become more productive and helps business users to accelerate decision making,” said Dr. Swami Sivasubramanian, vice president of AI and Data at AWS. “Since we announced the service at re:Invent, we have been amazed at the productivity gains developers and business users have seen. Early indications signal Amazon Q could help our customers’ employees become more than 80 per cent more productive at their jobs; and with the new features we’re planning on introducing in the future, we think this will only continue to grow.”

Today, many customers and partners are benefiting from Amazon Q. For instance, GoDaddy helps millions of entrepreneurs globally start, grow, and scale their businesses. Ed Sarausad, senior director of Data & Analytics at GoDaddy said, “Amazon Q in QuickSight allows us to ask our data contextual business questions without having to constantly rely on ad-hoc dashboards. For example, now we can much more easily discover and drill into anomalies in business performance across the company.”

“This shift not only streamlines our processes, but also elevates our analytical capabilities. What excites us most is the opportunity to unlock insights with profound, previously unasked questions. That allows us to respond more swiftly and with greater depth, enhancing our data learning journey,” he added.

AWS announces general availability of Amazon Q

Similarly, at National Australia Bank, one of the largest financial institutions in Australia, teams across the bank are excited about how generative AI can transform their work, and found a great solution in Amazon Q Developer, a powerful generative AI-powered tool for engineers and developers.

Andrew Brydon, executive chief engineer at National Australia Bank said, “The tool has seamlessly integrated advanced generative algorithms and tools into our development process, delivering unparalleled benefits like completing tasks faster, increasing productivity, and minimising repetitive actions. So far, our developers have accepted 50 per cent of the code suggestions made by Amazon Q Developer, and that number continues to increase as we scale. We look forward to seeing how Amazon Q Developer will continue to empower and inspire our engineers to upskill their technical expertise, delivering better service for customers.”

Elsewhere, Toyota Connected North America leads the development of Toyota’s cloud-based digital Connected Mobility Intelligence Platform. Toyota is committed to delivering exceptional digital experiences and continuously pushing boundaries for its customers. It realised that it needed to take a closer look at some of Amazon's supporting platforms, and evaluate architecture, tech debt, and needed upgrades, including aging 4GL code repositories.

Dave Tsai, vice president of engineering at Toyota Connected North America said, "Amazon Q Business provided our team insights into the areas of most critical need, accelerating the effectiveness of our technical debt assessment by 25 per cent. With Amazon Q Developer's Code Transformation capability, we look to harness generative AIs increasing capabilities to accelerate applications and services upgrades by up to 30 per cent."

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By Bich Thuy

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