The fest, titled “Super X Festival,” aims to bring audiences in Vietnam a new experience in music, according to the organizers.
First published on YouTube on July 15, 2012, “Gangam Style” quickly became a global sensation thanks to its catchy melody and Psy’s iconic “horse dance."
The video featuring Psy performing the "horse dance" went viral, and many international pop stars tweeted and commented on the wacky performance.
In September 2012, "Gangnam Style" was recognized by Guinness World Records as the "Most 'Liked' Video in YouTube history.”
Other YouTube records the song has earned include the most commented on video and video with the most rapid increase in views.
It was also the first video on YouTube to reach two billion views.
“Gangnam Style” has so far received more than 2.4 billion YouTube views.
Fans all over the world, including in Vietnam, were so excited by the music video and its phenomenal dance that they posted parody versions of the song on YouTube to share with others.
The “Super X Festival” will take place at Hang Day Stadium in Dong Da District, Hanoi on November 20 and at the Saigon Exhibition and Convention Center in District 7, Ho Chi Minh City on November 21.
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