Live grenade found in air cargo bound for Hanoi

March 16, 2016 | 09:33
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Security guards at an airport in central Vietnam discovered a live hand grenade among freight aboard a flight bound for Hanoi on Tuesday, with information about its sender remaining unknown.

The green grenade looks quite new with an intact safety pin and detonator, Le Quoc Cuong, head of security at Phu Bai Airport in Thua Thien-Hue Province, told Tuoi Tre (Youth) newspaper the same day.

It was wrapped in a bag and sent to the airport by the provincial post office at around 8:30 am, in order to be shipped to Hanoi on a Vietnam Airlines flight scheduled to depart at 10:50 am, Cuong said.

Security officers discovered the explosive device during the baggage scanning process and immediately notified the province’s police and military.

The grenate was found being stashed in this bag. Photo: Tuoi Tre

The Thua Thien-Hue military unit has seized the grenade for investigation.

The explosive has been transferred to the army's technical division to verify if it is lethal, Nguyen Hong Son, head of the province’s Military Command, said.

In the meantime, the provincial post office said it had received the package from Dong Ha, the capital city of the neighboring province of Quang Tri, and continued forwarding it to Hanoi as per the sender’s request.

The post office, however, refused to provide the personal particulars of the sender.

Local police are working to figure out who sent the package.


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