Haiphong strives to become tourism centre

November 18, 2016 | 09:37
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Haiphong city is expected to become a coastal tourism centre in the northern region under a development plan for the 2016 – 2020 period, with a vision to 2030 which was put on the table recently by the municipal Party Committee.

Under the plan, some key tourist sites in the city will be developed to become national and international tourist destinations.

Accordingly, Haiphong will focus on turning tourism into a spearhead and sustainable economic sector, gradually making itself a key national tourism site.

The city will develop tourism in parallel with protecting the environment, promoting cultural values and local cultural identities, ensuring national security and defense and maintaining social order.

The city is expected to post an average annual growth of 8.2% in tourist arrivals and 8.9% in tourism revenue by 2020.

The locality’s Cat Ba archipelago will be developed into a world-level tourist attraction where ecological conservation will be boosted.

To achieve the target, the city put forward solutions to create breakthroughs in tourism development, including increasing promotion activities, boosting human resource training and introducing policies to attract strategic investors.


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