Silverland Hotels & Spa launch new brand identity

January 15, 2015 | 15:42
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Silverland Hotels & Spa has launched a new visual brand identity remarks the outstanding milestone in its 18 years of business development.

On the occasion of this change, Silverland is pleased to offer VND66,000 directly refund per night stay for all online bookings via website and complimentary airport transfer (applied to five0 out of seven participating hotels). The company would like to say thank you to its partners and clients and hope for a continued support and cooperation in the future.

With the new visual brand, it uses Grey - the key color which covers all logo set, new company website and collaterals, created the consistency and sophistication throughout all the participating hotels’ image. The new logo comprises of the company’s big name SILVERLAND with the curved line underneath it. The curved line symbolises a new land area where bringing the extremely exciting experience to every single tourists from over the world.

Apart from that the company logo represents HOTELS & SPAS, two main business services: accommodation and spa, each participating hotel’s logo is designed to looks more modern and easily remembers. Simultaneously, the new brand visual identity is applied including all hotels’ collaterals and website.

By By Duc Hanh

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