Over VND 200 billion to preserve and develop Tram Chim Park

May 21, 2013 | 16:00
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Nearly VND 208 billion will be dedicated to the project to preserve and sustainably develop Tram Chim National Park in Tam Nong district, Dong Thap Province in 2013-20.

Of the sum, about VND 201.3 billion is from the State budget and VND 6.6 billion is mobilized from investors and international organizations.

The project has been signed by Dong Thap Provincial People’s Committee’s Deputy Chairman Nguyen Van Duong.

Under this project, the 7,313ha park will be divided into several functional areas, including a strictly protected area, an eco-restoration area and an administration-service area. An operation system and management mechanism will be established to ensure water in the dry season, to preserve and sustainably develop cajuput forest and submerged grassland, and to protect rare species of birds, especially the red-crowned crane, while setting up database management systems and a fire prevention and control project for the dry season.

The aim of this project is to preserve and protect special-use forests and unique scenery, wetland ecosystems, and rare flora and fauna.


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