Opening of NESCAFÉ WASI Coffee Farm Experience Center in Central Highlands

November 20, 2020 | 08:00
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In order to introduce and widely promote Vietnamese coffee to consumers, especially young consumers, to better understand and love Vietnamese coffee beans, Nestlé Vietnam and Western Highlands Agriculture and Forestry Science Institute (WASI) have recently inaugurated the NESCAFÉ WASI Coffee Farm Experience Center in Buon Ma Thuot city, Dak Lak province.
opening of nescafe wasi coffee farm experience center in central highlands
The ribbon-cutting ceremony welcomed the Swiss Ambassador in Vietnam, WASI’s representative, and Nestlé Vietnam

It is the result of more than 10 years of cooperation (2011-2020) between Nestlé Vietnam and WASI implementing research, development, and transfer activities to farmers planting and caring techniques for sustainable development of coffee trees.

NESCAFÉ WASI Coffee Farm Experience Center consists of two floors designed with modern architecture, located in a campus of over 100 hectares surrounded by green coffee garden. On the first floor, consumers can visit, learn, and experience the process of producing high-quality NESCAFÉ coffee from the incubation stage, seedling production to the harvest stage and tasting the quality of the product.

The second floor is a coffee making and enjoyment area, where diners can enjoy great cups of coffee harvested from coffee trees nourished by sustainable farming methods by farmers participating in the NESCAFÉ Plan in four provinces of the Central Highlands.

Tran Vinh, acting director of WASI, shared at the opening ceremony: “In addition to activities sponsoring coffee research and development during the past 10 years. NESCAFÉ WASI Coffee Farm Experience Center, Nestlé Vietnam has shown interest in promoting Vietnamese coffee products to domestic and international tourists.

At the NESCAFÉ WASI Coffee Farm Experience Garden will introduce visitors to the journey of connecting with farmers during more than 10 years of implementing the NESCAFÉ Plan project, a programme Nestlé has followed to increase income for people, bring the coffee beans of Vietnam to the world.”

opening of nescafe wasi coffee farm experience center in central highlands
Binu Jacob, general director of Nestlé Vietnam said the NESCAFÉ WASI Coffee Farm Experience Center will arouse the love of Vietnamese coffee beans in every Vietnamese

“Through travel experiences combined with sightseeing, we hope NESCAFÉ WASI Coffee Farm Experience Center will spark a love for Vietnamese coffee beans for every Vietnamese,” said Binu Jacob, general director of Nestlé Vietnam.

“In addition, we look forward to continuing to spread inspirational stories from coffee farmers and the positive effects that the NESCAFÉ Plan sustainable coffee development project has brought.”

Since its inception in 2011, the NESCAFÉ Plan project has brought many technical innovations and the application of new technologies, creating a positive impact on the sustainable development of Vietnam's coffee industry such as improving the living standards of the Vietnamese farmers, increasing the quality and value of Vietnamese coffee beans, aiming to increase the value of Vietnamese Robusta coffee in the world.

By Thai An

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