Mai Chau among top 10 awesome cultural tours

May 17, 2013 | 19:55
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Mai Chau, located in northern Hoa Binh province, has been included in the US-based Business Insider’s top 10 incredible places for cultural tours.

The magazine described Mai Chau as a wonderful destination if visitors are interested in a deeper experience of Vietnam with a warm and welcoming population and unspoiled natural beauty.

Tourists can hike the mountains of Sa Pa in the north or sand-surf in the province’s central resort town of Mui Ne.

But Mai Chau in Hoa Binh province can be a good choice.

Just three hours outside of the capital Hanoi, Mai Chau is a mountainous region dotted with traditional stilt houses. Two ethnic minority groups—the White Thai and Black Thai—make up the majority of the population, Business Insider reported.

The magazine suggested the best way to immerse yourself in the region is through a homestay with local families. It said visitors can spend two days cycling across mountain trails and through rice fields, visit local villages, and watch a cultural performance by Thai villagers.

Other destinations recommended by Business Insider’s list include Santiago in Chile, Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, Marrakech in Morocco, Shanghai in China, Trani in Italy, Budapest in Hungary, Lisbon in Portugal, Bordeaux in France, and Old Delhi in India.


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