Ho Chi Minh issues travel permits to working citizens

August 24, 2021 | 11:50
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Ho Chi Minh City Department of Transport has just released Document No.9296/SGTVT-KT guiding the issuance of travel permits for required employees.
Ho Chi Minh issues travel permits to working citizens
Ho Chi Minh City applied strict regulations to limit people going out on streets. Photo: Le Toan

Accordingly, with the travel permits, cadres, civil servants, and employees are asked to not use the permits for personal purposes and travel only when absolutely necessary to do urgent tasks, fight the pandemic, and handle technical infrastructure problems.

The number of applications for travel permits must not exceed 10 per cent of the total number of existing cadres, civil servants, and employees. When on the road, in addition to the permit, people must have additional identification such as uniforms and ID cards.

Only drivers who had been granted a vehicle ID certificate with a QR code are not required to apply for a travel permit.

Moreover, on August 23, Ho Chi Minh City added three priority forces which are not required to apply for travel permits. These priority groups include medical staff with travel papers issued by the Department of Health.

Meanwhile, people who are going to be vaccinated and have an invitation, need to present this along with their identity cards to checkpoints.

Employees of supermarkets, convenience stores, and other food supply stores have to provide their employee cards and written confirmations of their from companies when applying for travel permits.

Colonel Le Manh Ha, deputy head of Ho Chi Minh City Public Security Advisory Office, said that on August 23, the number of vehicles, especially motorbikes, on the road decreased by about 85 per cent compared to August 22.

By Trúc Anh

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