EVNNPT accelerates 500kV transmission line from Quang Trach to Pho Noi

May 27, 2024 | 17:21
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EVNNPT has mobilised more than 800 engineers and skilled workers to participate in erecting poles and pulling wires for the 500kV transmission line circuit 3 from Quang Trach to Pho Noi project to ensure the key national project is on time.
EVNNPT accelerates 500kV transmission line from Quang Trach to Pho Noi
EVNNPT mobilise 800 people to accelerate the 500kV transmission line circuit 3 from Quang Trach to Pho Noi

According to Vietnam Electricity (EVN), the weather is currently changing, so erratic rain, sunshine, and thunderstorms are causing difficulties for the construction of the 500kV circuit 3 line Quang Trach - Pho Noi project.

However, ministries, localities, EVN, and National Power Transmission Corporation (EVNNPT) are working together with contractors to try to overcome the problems and are determined to complete projects according to schedule.

To date, all column foundation positions and most anchorages have been handed over.

The investor urged contractors to import enough input materials, install more and optimise production lines, and increase human resources to work all days and nights. For contractors who work behind schedule, EVN/EVNNPT and the project management boards request contractors to add more capable subcontractors to speed up progress.

For contractors who are overloaded and behind schedule, the investor also asked to add more capable subcontractors to speed up the production and supply of columns. For imported steel column packages, contractors worked with manufacturing partners to increase production and speed up production and delivery of products before May 30, 2024.

The investors set the target to finish putting up all the columns on June 15, complete the installation of insulation, accessories, and wire pulling on June 20, and perform testing, acceptance, and energisation from June 20-30.

EVNNPT accelerates 500kV transmission line from Quang Trach to Pho Noi

To ensure the progress of the 500kV circuit 3 Quang Trach - Pho Noi line project to be completed in June 2024, EVNNPT mobilised 800 skilled human resources from power transmission companies across the country to participate in construction.

These engineers and skilled workers are mobilised from Power Transmission Company No.4, Power Transmission Company No.3, Power Transmission Company No.2 and Power Transmission Company No.1.

Nguyen Ba Dung, deputy director of Quang Ngai Power Transmission under Power Transmission Company No.2, said, “Immediately after the request of EVNNPT, the National Power Transmission Company No.2 took about 120 engineers and skilled workers to establish five construction teams to erect poles and pull ropes to support construction contractors.”

Huynh Quang Thinh, head of Technical Department at Power Transmission Company No.3, said, “For each position assigned to erect a pole, in favourable weather conditions, we will carry out construction within 15 to 20 days to complete a column position with a column erection volume of over 100 tonnes. Each engineer and worker determined to complete the column erection will work synchronously with other units.”

500kV transmission line project from Quang Trach to Pho Noi

Investor: National Power Transmission Corporation (under EVN)

Total investment: about VND22 trillion ($916.6 million)

Scale: 2 circuits of 500kV transmission line, about 519km long. Starting point is 500kV Quang Trach switchyard (Quang Binh), ending point is 500kV Pho Noi substation (Hung Yen).

Engineering consultant: Power Engineering Consulting JSC 1, 2, 4 and Institute of Energy

Project Management Board for Northern Power Projects on behalf of EVNNPT manages two sections: Nam Dinh I Thermal Power Plant – Thanh Hoa and Nam Dinh I Thermal Power Plant - Pho Noi.

Project Management Board for Central Power Projects on behalf of EVNNPT manages two sections: Quang Trach – Quynh Luu and Quynh Luu - Thanh Hoa

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