EuroCham: Vietnam’s business climate index increases slightly

February 02, 2012 | 14:31
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There has been a slight increase in business confidence and outlook among European enterprises in Vietnam, according to the EuroCham Business Climate Index survey announced on February 1.

The results of the survey showed that the EuroCham business climate index rose to 52 points after dropping 11 points in the fourth quarter of last year.

About 36 per cent of surveyed businesses expressed pleasure at their current business operation in Vietnam, while 26 per cent are still pessimistic.

More than 47 per cent are expected to see a middle-term increase in their trade revenue and 27 per cent want to maintain their current business operation. Only eight per cent voice concern over the negative impact of Vietnam’s inflation rate.

Regarding recruitment place in 2012, 40 per cent of surveyed businesses say they will employ more workers, 39 per cent want to maintain their current staff level, and 14 per cent will reduce the number of employees in Vietnam.

The Chairman of the European Chamber of Commerce (EuroCham), Alian Canym, said the index reflects the confidence of EuroCham members in Vietnam’s business prospects. However, he said European businesses are still worried about the country’s equitisition process and macro-economic stability.

According to Dr. Matthias Duehn, EuroCham managing director, the debt crisis in the Euro zone has affected investors’ decisions in Asia. Many investors are keen on the Southeast Asian market, including Vietnam. Therefore, he said, Vietnam should sharpen its competitive edge to attract more investors.


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