A weird and thrilling formation of columnar basalt

June 20, 2014 | 11:36
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In a journey to Phu Yen a few years ago, I missed a chance to visit Da Dia basalt columns, one of the famous tourist attractions in the central coast province.
Tourists on the formation of columnar basalt

So I decided to make a trip there this summer to see how great the formation of columnar basalt is as praised by travelers and media. And my summer seemed to be perfect with it when my eyes got dazzled by thousands of vertical basalt columns of weird shapes that are magnificent works of nature.

It is not an exaggeration to say that I got lost in the world of basalt columns, blue sea and many cactus bushes. As an art enthusiast, I wondered if man could make such a great work like that. “No way, unless one copies it in paintings or photographs,” I said to myself.

The experience and emotion were so real and completely different from seeing it through photos, even for hundreds of times. Despite being a bit tired due to a long train journey from HCMC, I was so eager to take a bus to travel 40 more kilometers from downtown Tuy Hoa City to admire the formation of columnar basalt which was recognized in 1998 as a national heritage site.

The area is around 50 meters wide and over 200 meters long. Like any excursionists to the site, I could hardly resist taking snapshots which you can see below.


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