"Enjoy Panama" Photography Exhibition

October 24, 2015 | 18:00
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The Embassy of the Republic of Panama in Vietnam will present a photography exhibition as part of the activities to celebrate the 40th anniversary of diplomatic relations between both countries and The Panama's National Day. 

The photography exhibition "ENJOY PANAMA" will open to the public at the National Library of Vietnam, 31 Trang Thi, Hanoi, from October 27 to 30, 2015. The Vietnamese friends can see and admire the beauty of the landscapes, history, culture, folklore and traditions of the isthmian country. Attendees visiting the exhibition will have the opportunity to see that Panama is much more than a canal.

This cultural initiative will be held in coordination and support of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, and the National Library of Vietnam in order to promote cultural exchange and strengthen the bonds of goodwill, friendship and good cooperation between the two people.

By By Duc Hanh

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