Mekong Securities wins Vietnam’s best equity research team

December 23, 2010 | 16:43
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Mekong Securities Research team has just won “the Best Equity Research Team in Vietnam 2010” award by Bloomberg.

In order to be considered for an award, an analyst had to cover a minimum of three stocks, and their reports were screened by a panel of five judges, who are large fund managers in Vietnam.

Using criteria from an evaluation form, the judges ensured the reports [which were kept anonymous] were meaningful and well-written before being submitted for tabulating total return.

After that, they calculated combined return of all stocks [recommended in the reports selected above] to find out which individual analyst and research team generate the highest alpha [excessive return versus VN-Index benchmark] during May 31 to November 30, 2010.

Analysts from eight research teams including Saigon Securities Inc (SSI), Vina Securities, Mekong Securities, ACB Securities Company Ltd, Horizon Securities Corp, Kim Eng Securities, Vietcombank Securities, and FPT Securities participated in this contest.

Vina Securities’ Bui Thi Cam Van received the award for “the Best Equity Research Analyst in Vietnam 2010”.

By Trung Hung

What the stars mean:

★ Poor ★ ★ Promising ★★★ Good ★★★★ Very good ★★★★★ Exceptional
