France invests more in Vietnamese industries

February 23, 2011 | 16:46
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Vietnam agencies have recently worked with the Electricity of France (EDF) on a contract to build the O Mon thermal power station in the Mekong Delta city of Can Tho .
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A delegation of the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Planning and Investment, headed by MPI Minister Vo Hong Phuc visited France from February 16-18 to make the final preparations for signing the contract.

The delegation met with Economics, Finance and Industry Minister Christiane Lagarde and the State Secretary for Foreign Trade, Pierre Lellouche.

Minister Phuc confirmed that the Vietnamese Government’s selection of EDF as investor for the project was based on the groups’ capacity and abilities, which are recognised in the world market, as well as its experience in building the Phu My 2.2 thermal power station in Vietnam .

He encouraged EDF to continue to invest in thermal power projects in the Southeast Asian country, particularly coal fueled ones.

He told the French officials that the Vietnamese Government will create the best possible conditions for negotiations between Vietnam Airlines and Airbus on the purchasing of A380 aircraft. He also hailed French enterprises’ proposals to get involved in building nuclear power plants in Vietnam and said he hoped that France would soon be involved in Vietnam ’s nuclear power programme.

The French officials praised Vietnam ’s decision on choosing EDF, describing it as a major contribution to boosting cooperation between the two countries.

State Secretary Lellouche said that France targeted increasing its economic presence in Vietnam and boosting trade between the two countries.

They also said that France had helped with tax problems from the EU on Vietnamese goods being sold in the EU market and that it was an important time for France to regain its market share and influence in the Vietnamese market as economic cooperation between the two countries remains at a modest level.

During their meetings, French assistance to equip the Can Tho general hospital was also discussed, as it will be built in the near future.


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