City authorities discover seven cheating petrol stations

November 21, 2010 | 14:29
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The Ho Chi Minh City Market Management Board on November 19 said the city authorities have discovered seven cases of petrol station cheating.

Seven petrol stations were found to supply poor-quality gasoline and sell less gas than displayed on the pump screen.

Specifically, inspectors have found the gas station, No.1434 Pham The Hien street, District 8 pump less A92 petrol than displayed on the pump screen about 4.74 per cent and 5.26 per cent of every sale.

The petrol station was found to sell poor-quality gasoline and keep over 12,000 litres of poor-quality gasoline in a tank.

The poor-quality gasoline was found at three more petrol stations, including one in Binh Tan District with 12,372 litres, one in Nguyen Van Luong Street, District 6 with over 3,000 litres and one in Nguyen Kiem Street, Go Vap District with nearly 10,000 litres.

The inspectors found three more petrol pump systems at a petrol station, No. 93 Vo Thi Sau Street, District 3 that pump less than displayed on the screen from 1.25 per cent - 1.5 per cent.

The same situation also has occurred at a petrol station in Kinh Duong Vuong Street, Binh Tan District and a petrol station in Thoai Ngoc Hau Street, Tan Binh District.

According to inspectors, cheating petrol stations used illegal electronic chip to defraud customers by altering the petrol pump meter.


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