Vietjet launches route connecting Ulaanbaatar and Nha Trang

November 06, 2023 | 14:00
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At the Vietnam-Mongolia Business Forum on November 2, to mark 70 years of diplomatic relations between the two nations, Vietjet announced a flight route connecting the capital Ulaanbaatar of Mongolia with the coastal city Nha Trang of Vietnam.
Vietjet launches route connecting Ulaanbaatar and Nha Trang
Vietjet launches route connecting Ulaanbaatar and Nha Trang

The announcement ceremony for the route took place with the participation of Mongolian President Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh, Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang, and leaders from various ministries and businesses of both countries.

The route will launch on December 15 with two round-trip flights per week and around five hours and a half per leg. It aims to contribute to facilitating and promoting investment, tourism, cultural exchanges.

Vietjet’s network covers Australia, Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, South Korea, India, Kazakhstan, and more besides.

Vietjet and Carlyle Group sign a MoU for aircraft funding worth $550 million Vietjet and Carlyle Group sign a MoU for aircraft funding worth $550 million

Vietjet and Carlyle Group, a US-based financial entity, signed an aircraft finance agreement worth $550 million during US President Joe Biden's official visit to Vietnam.

By Vietjet

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