Retail petrol price increases tonight

June 15, 2013 | 08:43
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The retail price of petrol in Vietnam is to slightly go up a maximum of 426 dongs ($1 = VND20,800) a liter as of 8:00pm today, according to a decision approved by the Ministry of Finance.

With the decision, A92 petrol will be sold at the highest price of VND23,756 per liter. The price of DO oil will go up 221 dong a liter, priced at VND21,471 a liter.

The prices of kerosene and FO oil remain unchanged, at VND21,300 and VND18,750 per liter.

In April this year, the Ministry of Finance had three times lowered the fuel prices. In total, the petrol price downed 1,200 dongs a liter, 650 dongs a liter of DO oil, and 750 dongs a liter for kerosene.

At the same time, the ministry announced in April that it would increase two percent in the import tax of fuel, making the import tax for petrol going up to 16 percent, diesel 12 percent, kerosene and mazut oil with 14 percent.

Tuoi tre

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