Physical travel becomes a new trend

February 08, 2022 | 17:28
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Wellness tourism aiming to enhance physical and mental health will be increasingly favoured by tourists and related investors this year.
Physical travel  becomes a  new trend
Physical travel becomes a new trend

Anh Tram, 32 years old, is currently a communications officer of a travel group in Vietnam. Although her company specialises in providing high-class resort services, Tram said that the number of guests coming to the resort just for relaxation has begun to fall in the past two years – instead, they want to enjoy sports and physical activities.

Tram herself also changed after participating in a short hiking tour to explore caves in Quang Binh. “The last trip gave me the opportunity to experience nature, do exercise, and break my limits. I understand why tourists who have participated in tours like this are so passionate,” Tram said.

The tourism demand has changed markedly since the pandemic began. Tourists tend to be more interested in experiencing and exploring nature combined with outdoor activities such as trekking, hiking, trail-running, and camping. Not only attracting young people, camping or jogging is also hugely popular with a large number of tourists of middle age, and also children.

“The need to return to nature and exercise is becoming more and more attractive to middle-aged customers. Even young people are starting to pay more attention to trips that bring profound experiences in culture and nature,” shared Tran Hung, CEO of Wetrek Retail Co., Ltd.

Director of Fivestar Tourism Company Luong Duy Doanh added, “It is a feeling of happiness when you break your limits to conquer difficult roads or dangerous mountains. Overcoming difficulties, visitors will have the opportunity to admire the majestic and poetic natural scenery that cannot always be reached. After each trip, visitors may also make more friends with survival skills and learn valuable lessons.”

Different from traditional types of tourism, more substantial outdoor activities come with many potential risks. Therefore, equipping yourself with the necessary knowledge for each outdoor activity is an important factor to ensure a safe trip.

According to CEO of DiDi Adventure Company Nguyen Dang Kien, organisers must prepare all necessary equipment, supplies, first aid kits, and personal bags to ensure safety and quick recovery for visitors. In addition, documents and clips of instructions and recommendations before the trip are required so that tourists can grasp the basic knowledge and survival skills to protect themselves during the journey.

“The organiser also needs to care about the emotions of visitors during the journey. Let visitors experience according to their ability and health conditions, so that they have time to see, enjoy nature, or record beautiful moments on the road. These simple things will remain in the minds of tourists,” Kien shared.

Along with the change in demand, the number of investors interested in and developing outdoor tourism products in recent years has increased significantly.

CEO of Wetrek Retail Co., Ltd. Tran Hung said that the current trend of more expansive tourism activities has developed more methodically and professionally thanks to the change in thinking and actions of the authorities, local people, and destinations as well as the tourists themselves.

Instead of building solid resorts and hotels, many investors have turned to building campsites with individual toilet facilities or more luxurious accommodation.

“More importantly, the trend of outdoor experience tourism will contribute to raising awareness for the community, locals, and tourists in sustainable development and protection of the environment,” Hung said.

Tim Duong, chairman of Emerging Capital Group and former CEO of Vietnam, said that when tourism shows signs of recovery, investors quickly seize the opportunity to stabilise business activities.

“The glamping (glamourous camping) model is being favoured by young people and has become a new tourism trend,” Duong shared.

Dao Duc Long, an investor from Yen Bai and owner of Le Champ Tu Le Resort and Aeris Hill amusement park, shared that his resort has added 40 more rooms and 25 glamping apartments to serve the needs of visitors. Previously, Le Champ Tu Le Resort was loved by tourists for its stunning landscapes and unique resort built on the model of Thai stilt houses.

“We look forward to offering this set of special experience products to attract domestic tourists, and move towards serving international tourists, so that visitors can feel a beautiful and safe Vietnam,” Long said.

By Thai An

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