Phu Yen Province breaks ground for Tuy Hoa Civil Airport

February 12, 2012 | 22:03
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The Southern Airports Corporation along with the People’s Committee of Phu Yen Province held a breaking ground ceremony for the new Tuy Hoa Civil Airport project.
Participants at the breaking ground ceremony for the new Tuy Hoa Civil Airport project (Photo:

Dinh La Thang, Minister of Transport, and Dao Tan Loc, secretary of the provincial Party Committee attended the ceremony and called for the project to start immediately.

All sections of the airport project will be carried out simultaneously, such as the passenger terminal, parking hangers for three A320 and A321 aircraft, a drainage system, a lighting system and other related features of an airport, at a total investment of VND353 billion.

The passenger terminal will cover 3,800 square metres, and will be built to meet 4C grade standards set by the International Civil Aviation Organisation.

Tuy Hoa Civil Airport has been designed to serve 555,000 passengers per year, and cope with 300 passengers per hour at peak time.

By 2022 the airport will increase its capacity to welcome 850,000 passengers per year.


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