Navigating business journalism in a new era

September 26, 2024 | 20:34
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Amid the technological boom, business newspapers must adapt to meet new demands. Dr. Do Anh Duc, multimedia dean at the School of Journalism and Communication at National University Hanoi, spoke with VIR’s Mai Anh about the prospects for Vietnam Investment Review after more than 30 years of economic coverage.

How do you assess VIR’s performance as a business newspaper for foreign investors?

The newspaper occupies a distinctive role as an English-language economic outlet, recognised for its ability to deliver comprehensive information and a wide range of perspectives from industry leaders.

Instead of chasing sensational news, VIR adopts a measured and analytical approach to reporting. It focuses on identifying key issues, providing in-depth analyses, exploring significant current events, and forecasting trends relevant to investor interests.

Navigating business journalism in a new era
Dr. Do Anh Duc, multimedia dean at the School of Journalism and Communication at National University Hanoi

VIR ensures a diversity of viewpoints in its articles, striving to examine issues from multiple angles and incorporating insights from various experts across different fields. This methodology offers readers a nuanced understanding of complex topics, steering clear of fragmented or superficial reporting.

Reporting on economic matters for foreign investors is a specialised field that demands careful consideration of diverse viewpoints. VIR effectively balances insights from domestic and international economic experts, addressing macroeconomic issues while meeting the specific needs of businesses. Its content is presented in various formats, enhancing accessibility and engagement without falling into dogmatism.

How effective has VIR’s multimedia content and multichannel strategy been in engaging audiences?

I participated in a live talk show held at VIR’s studio, which is implementing a multi-platform strategy that includes weekly print editions, online newspapers, and e-paper format for electronic access to print content. This approach diversifies news delivery methods, enhances public engagement across various channels, and strengthens VIR’s competitive advantage.

The core focus of a multimedia, multi-platform approach to journalism is to explore and expand various methods of delivering multifaceted information, fostering interactive and connected relationships with readers. The value of information and audience engagement remain central, as journalism seeks to innovate and become increasingly constructive, rather than merely addressing technical aspects.

VIR effectively executes its multimedia strategies across platforms, with each information format delivering valuable content and mutually supplementing each other within the newspaper’s ecosystem. In addition to its flagship print edition, which offers in-depth, thematic content published weekly, it provides timely updates through its online version. Additionally, the talk shows and seminars connect diverse voices around current and impactful topics for the public.

Formats like talk shows and modern reading methods such as e-paper have enhanced VIR’s presence as a reliable source of information across multiple dimensions. When placed alongside traditional print media, it is clear that VIR has adeptly identified and implemented new ways to deliver information, maintaining relevance in the current technological boom.

What technological opportunities can VIR leverage to better meet audience demands?

In light of the explosion of new technology solutions and the push to integrate tech into various aspects of journalism, choosing focused directions aligned with a vision for readers and creating valuable information for society is paramount. Once the core values that the newspaper pursues and shares with its audience are identified, leveraging new technology can unlock its full potential.

With its focus on economics, VIR has a strong capability to deliver in-depth information. Technology can further enhance this advantage, especially through data utilisation. Current storage, sharing platforms, and data analysis tools enable journalists to build extensive data repositories and present information more effectively in their articles. This approach allows data to evolve from being mere supplementary elements into a form of data journalism.

Moreover, as the volume of data, information, and narratives increases, there is a risk of fragmentation that makes it challenging for readers to find a holistic perspective. Here, technology serves as a vital tool to provide constructive, critical, and objective insights. I would like to highlight the concept of constructive journalism – a fair and objective form of reporting that addresses significant contemporary issues with a forward-looking perspective, fostering informed discussions and proposing solutions to pressing challenges.

By not chasing sensationalist news but rather focusing on solution-seeking and data-driven reporting, new technological tools – such as search engines, data analytics, and generative AI – can assist journalists in exploring broader viewpoints while efficiently managing large volumes of information. Additionally, these tools can enable the newspaper to offer better personalisation, delivering specialised information tailored to distinct audience segments and creating more inclusive perspectives.

What unique role do VIR’s journalists have in delivering meaningful insights from specialised information to readers?

In the age of advanced technology, journalism is not merely a competition of speed and efficiency; it centres on who can deliver accurate, useful, and insightful information to readers. Professional journalists play a crucial role in this endeavour.

With technology aiding in information synthesis and data filtering, journalists have an even more significant responsibility to discern dimensions and emerging trends from vast information pools, thereby creating predictive insights.

In other words, while technology accelerates answers to the “what” questions, professional journalists focus on answering “so what”. Armed with knowledge, experience, and a network of experts built over time, they can identify issues with greater acuity and provide more solution-oriented forecasts for their audience.

Another often overlooked aspect of comparing human capabilities with technology is our ability to listen and connect, a crucial skill for professional journalists. Their strength lies not only in processing information but also in deep listening, contextual analysis, and identifying important issues that require discussion and solutions. While technology can quickly handle large volumes of data, a journalist’s calmness, attentiveness, and skill in navigating complex issues are irreplaceable.

As technology expands the reach of news, journalists play a crucial role in keeping information relevant and connected. They address relatable issues and facilitate informed discussions, providing diverse perspectives and encouraging dialogue from multiple viewpoints. This balance enhances understanding and fosters a deeper exploration of important topics.

AI explosion raises questions for press and media production AI explosion raises questions for press and media production

AI can facilitate the smoother management of press and media operations, driving both results and performance, but the slow application of such tech also poses the risk of increased costs from old processes. This is creating a new challenge for Vietnamese press agencies and traditional media in the AI era.

Digital transformation and applying AI in journalism Digital transformation and applying AI in journalism

In 2023, the government established a national strategy for the digital transformation of media, with the ambitious goal that by 2030, most media agencies in Vietnam must switch to digital. According to this strategy, all Vietnamese media agencies must reconstruct their newsrooms toward digital convergence.

By Mai Anh

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