Military soldiers take care of people under quarantine

March 24, 2020 | 13:48
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At present, about 31,000 Vietnamese citizens and foreigners who returned or entered the country from coronavirus-hit countries and territories are being put in quarantine zones at more than 100 military units nationwide.
military soldiers take care of people under quarantine
The soldiers of 58th Regiment, 308th Division, I Corps prepare meals for people at concentrated isolation areas of the unit (Photo: VNA)
military soldiers take care of people under quarantine
military soldiers take care of people under quarantine
military soldiers take care of people under quarantine
military soldiers take care of people under quarantine
Meals provide adequate nutritional value to serve people at concentrated isolation areas (Photo: VNA)
military soldiers take care of people under quarantine
Soldiers of 58th Regiment, 308th Division, I Corps serve daily necessities for people at concentrated isolation areas (Photo: VNA)
military soldiers take care of people under quarantine
military soldiers take care of people under quarantine
Medical personnel conduct daily health checks for those who perform quarantine at military units (Photo: VNA)
military soldiers take care of people under quarantine
military soldiers take care of people under quarantine
Health workers take samples of SARS-CoV-2 virus suspects (Photo: VNA)
military soldiers take care of people under quarantine
Disinfection of the environment around isolated areas to limit the spread of the disease (Photo: VNA)
military soldiers take care of people under quarantine
Sanitation around quarantine areas to limit the spread of the disease (Photo: VNA)
military soldiers take care of people under quarantine
About 31,000 Vietnamese citizens and foreigners who returned or entered the country from coronavirus-hit countries and territories are being put in quarantine zones at more than 100 military units nationwide (Photo: VNA)

Source: VNA

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