Japan's CADDi invests in Vietnam's fast-growing manufacturing industry

April 24, 2024 | 14:27
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CADDi, a leading manufacturing solutions provider from Japan, is banking on Vietnam's manufacturing industry with the recent launch of its CADDi Drawer, a flagship product innovation to accelerate the digital transformation process in Vietnam. Daisuke Takei, CEO of CADDi Vietnam, spoke with VIR's Thanh Van about Vietnam's manufacturing market and the company's expansion plan.
Japan's CADDi invests in Vietnam's fast-growing manufacturing industry
CADDi Vietnam CEO commits contributing to Vietnam's goals with both manufacturing and CADDi Drawer

What is the importance of the Vietnamese market in CADDi's global expansion strategy?

We are expanding our resources in all aspects, such as sales, IT engineering, and geographic expansion to our key markets, the US and ASEAN. We see Vietnam as a strategic market for CADDi in two ways, including as a key supply position and a software sales market.

First, Vietnam holds a key supply position for our manufacturing business. Vietnam has good strength in the fabrication of manufacturing equipment.

More specifically, there are so many people who understand Japanese quality, which is renowned for the excellent quality of welding, for example. We see Vietnam as an important and essential supply for our main markets, especially the US and Japan.

We also see a lot of opportunities in digitalisation in the manufacturing industry, where our CADDi Drawer solutions help out.

As of now, most documents and drawings are not digitised, leading to low productivity in factory operations. As labour costs continue to increase while most companies grow, we believe the need for such drawing and document management will also be stronger.

We believe Vietnam can take up more demand from Japan and the US through our platform. Indeed, the US is suffering from inflation and a lack of labour costs, while Japan faces a lack of labour in manufacturing due to an ageing society.

CADDi Vietnam has recently unveiled CADDi Drawer, an AI-enabled cloud-based platform for manufacturers in the Vietnamese market. How do manufacturers benefit from this product?

The first value is to help educate new employees. Manufacturing is very labour-dependent, and we need to provide the right education for new employees. Once the right education is provided, they will grow very fast.

With CADDi Drawer, all members of the company can search for relevant information in the past and learn from it.

In Japan, we are seeing the case that a junior engineer, just working for 2 years, is already reaching the level of an experienced engineer to design new parts.

Providing the right tools and access to capable people is key. Most companies are still conducting training only from experience, slowing down the growth of each employee and leading to opportunity loss.

The second value is to save time searching for drawings and speed up quotations or engineering work.

If we can find relevant information or similar drawings, the time used for this work can be deducted by 60–80 per cent based on the actual result for our customers.

Speed is a significant factor in capturing more orders and building trust with customers. CADDi Drawer helps manufacturing companies achieve it.

Japan's CADDi invests in Vietnam's fast-growing manufacturing industry

He believes in the growth of Vietnam economy when Vietnamese corporates together accelerate the Digital transformation journey

Vietnam is climbing up the technology value chain with a focus on semiconductors. What is the company's plan to promote CADDi Vietnam to align with Vietnam's development direction?

We would like to contribute to Vietnam's goals with both manufacturing and CADDi Drawer. Through manufacturing, fabricators can get the opportunity to work for export, and we can work together to improve quality, cost, and delivery to meet international standards.

Meanwhile, CADDi Drawer also helps the fabricators judge the price and manufacturability of each drawing. Quality management will also be strengthened by analysing the problems of the past.

Semiconductors are very high-end applications and strict about quality management. There are many fabricators in Vietnam with good quality management already. However, we still need to apply higher standards and operations to keep meeting the quality specifications of semiconductors.

CADDi Vietnam introduces CADDi Drawer CADDi Vietnam introduces CADDi Drawer

CADDi Vietnam has launched CADDi Drawer – a cloud-enabled drawing management platform developed based on AI for manufacturers in the Vietnamese market, with the company expecting to help Vietnamese firms solve critical difficulties in the manufacturing process.

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By Thanh Van

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