FPT IS’ Vietnam Automated Cargo Clearance System ready for enterprises

July 16, 2013 | 11:00
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FPT IS, a member of the FPT Corporation, today announced its plan to upgrade its current FPT.eCustoms electronic customs declaration software to be compatible with the Vietnam Automated Cargo Clearance System (VNACCS) for enterprises.

FPT IS project team working on the FPT.VNACCS.

The new software will be officially launched nationwide in the second quarter of 2014.

FPT IS plans to upgrade its electronic customs declaration software to FPT.VNACCS in three phases. In phase 1, from now through August 31, 2013, FPT IS will focus on perfecting the beta (trial) version of FPT.VNACCS to be compatible with the new system at the General Department of Vietnam Customs.

In phase 02, from September 1, 2013 to October 30, 2013, FPT.VNACCS software will be connected to the VNACCS system at the General Department of Vietnam Customs to test its operational quality. In phase 3, from November 1, 2013 to March 30, 2014, FPT IS will refine and adjust the final FPT.VNACCS version so it can be used by enterprises nationwide.

FPT.VNACSS allows enterprises to efficiently manage customs clearance activities, reduce incorrect information and data and therefore, decrease transaction time.

FPT IS general director Duong Dung Trieu said that FPT had extensive experience and capability in implementing customs projects and gained in-depth knowledge of customs systems and operations.

As a main partner in developing core customs operation systems, FPT customises and updates e-customs services to match business systems as well as the latest changes in regulations and procedures. FPT IS is always ready to provide prompt and synchronous e-customs services to ensure customs applications are updated in a timely manner.

On April 25, 2013, FPT IS incorporated its e-customs software into an affordable FPT e-Service package for enterprises, along with its digital signature and e-tax systems and a number of preferential consultancy and support hotline services. An estimated over 80,000 enterprises across Vietnam are now using FPT digital signature services. 

By By Nguyen Trang

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