Dreamy Hanoi during crape myrtle flower season

May 17, 2024 | 09:23
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In the early days of May, many streets around Hanoi are dyed purple by crape myrtle flowers, creating an incredibly romantic and peaceful scene.
Dreamy Hanoi during crape myrtle flower season
The blooming crape myrtle flowers signal the arrival of bright summer days. (Photo: VNA)
Dreamy Hanoi during crape myrtle flower season
In addition to its dominant purple colour, crape myrtle flowers also come in pale white and pink hues. (Photo: VNA)
Dreamy Hanoi during crape myrtle flower season
Hoang Cau Lake in Dong Da district. (Photo: VNA)
Dreamy Hanoi during crape myrtle flower season
Kim Ma Street in Ba Dinh district. (Photo: VNA)
Dreamy Hanoi during crape myrtle flower season
Crape myrtle flower petals are thin and light like paper, and often in shades of purple, pink, and white. (Photo: VNA)
Dreamy Hanoi during crape myrtle flower season
After a few summer rain spells, the petals have faded and begin to fall. (Photo: VNA)


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