Gov't commits to facilitating Hong Kong investment

September 14, 2016 | 20:20
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Viet Nam welcomes all investors in the context that the Government is now devoting efforts to improve business environment, said PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc while addressing the Hong Kong-Viet Nam Business and Investment Forum in Hong Kong on September 14.
PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc attends the Hong Kong-Viet Nam Business and Investment Forum, Hong Kong, September 14, 2016 - Photo: VGP/Quang Hieu

Speaking at the forum, PM Phuc announced the outcomes of the talks and meetings with Chinese high-ranking leaders as well as the strategic orientations to upgrade the two nations’ relationship with the focus on promoting economics and trade more effectively and sustainably.

This year, the two nations are striving to raise the two-way trade to US$100 billion, he said, adding that Viet Nam will become one of China’s largest trade partners in ASEAN.

The PM introduced the nation’s socio-economic development performances, especially the business and investment environment, potentials and advantages.

Viet Nam commits to facilitating Hong Kong's investment in such areas as banking, finance, insurance, maritime transport, infrastructure, electronics, auxiliary industry and agricultural products.

He expected that as a leading financial hub, Hong Kong will uphold its status as a favorable market to mobilize credits for development, especially investment in infrastructure in Viet Nam.

Permanent Honorary President of the Hong Kong Chinese General Chamber of Commerce Jonathan Choi hailed efforts, measures and determination of the Vietnamese Government in enhancing economic growth over the recent years.

He said that the Vietnamese Government is pursuing a number of ambitious market reform programs and suitable policies to attract more foreign investment.

He asserted that the forum and a number of recently-inked agreements and contracts are crucial marks in the two sides’ relationship.

Acting Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Rimsky Yeun asked Vietnamese businesses to strengthen cooperation with their partners in Hong Kong, hoping the Vietnamese Government to create more favorable conditions for Hong Kong’s enterprises to invest in Viet Nam in all fields.

Hong Kong will continue expanding investment in Viet Nam and supporting Vietnamese businesses to penetrate in Hong Kong and China, he said.

As many as 10 cooperative agreements and contracts, worth US$10 billion were inked at the event.

The forum, attracting the participation of around 300 investors in Hong Kong, was jointly organized by the Viet Nam Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Hong Kong Chinese General Chamber of Commerce and the Hong Kong – Viet Nam Chamber of Commerce.


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