Windows phone marketplace opens to windows phone 7.5 app submissions

August 25, 2011 | 11:13
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Microsoft on August 24 officially announced the rollout of the new App Hub developer portal with key new functionality, multiple enhancements and support for several new markets at:

Marketplace will then effectively open to developer submission of Mango applications. Game developers can submit Windows Phone games to the new Mango Marketplace markets.

This milestone serves as an important moment for Windows Phone to highlight its continued investment in the developer ecosystem.

“It’s time to put the finishing touches on Mango apps and have them ready to submit in August.

Contributing with more than 23,000 apps in just eight months Windows Phone is created as one of the most vibrant and fastest growing mobile ecosystems in history,” said Mai Hoa, marketing director of Microsoft Vietnam.

Game developers can now submit games to the 19 new Mango markets since July, including: Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Hungary, India, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, South Africa, South Korea, Sweden and Taiwan.

The combination of new platform capabilities such as multitasking and hardware accelerated IE9 with the new opportunities that come from partnership with Nokia and expansion to twice as many consumer markets is attracting a new wave of Windows Phone developers. These are also some of the reasons that firms like Gartner are forecasting end users open OS sales in excess of 600 million units by 2015 for Windows Phone.

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