VN Airlines increases Can Tho-Taiwan flights for Tet

February 09, 2015 | 09:13
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Viet Nam Airlines will operate 10 direct flights between the Mekong Delta City of Can Tho and Taiwan during the Lunar New Year in February using Airbus 321 aircraft which can carry 100 to 130 passengers.  

Head of the airlines’ Can Tho branch Nguyen Phuc Dien said there will be five flights from Taipei, Kaohsiung, and Taichung to Can Tho and five in the reverse direction, with the first flight from Taipei to Can Tho scheduled for February 6 and the last on February 28 from Can Tho.
With one return flight more from the same period in 2014, the move is to meet the demand of the Vietnamese in Taiwan who often return home for the largest traditional holiday.

This is the sixth year that Viet Nam Airlines is offering a direct air service between two cities to allow Vietnamese expatriates to return home for the New Year.


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