UAE airlines stop carrying cargo from Yemen after bomb scare

November 08, 2010 | 14:00
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Emirates and Etihad, the two main airlines in the United Arab Emirates, said Sunday they have stopped carrying cargo from Yemen after the discovery in Dubai of a US-bound bomb posted from the Arab country.

"Emirates has placed a cargo embargo on all shipments from Yemen in cooperation with global authorities," a spokeswoman for the Dubai-based airline said in an email to AFP.

Abu Dhabi's Etihad said it has taken similar measures.

"Etihad ceased all cargo shipments from Yemen, until directives from governments around the world permit carriage of goods from these ports," a spokeswoman for the airline said in an email.

"Etihad Airways is complying with all international aviation security restrictions and directives in place at present."

Two parcels addressed to synagogues in Chicago and containing the lethal explosive PETN hidden in ink toner cartridges were uncovered in Dubai and Britain on October 28, sparking a global security alert.

The Yemen-based branch of Al-Qaeda claimed responsibility Friday for the bomb plot and said it was behind the September downing of an American cargo plane in Dubai, according to US-based monitors SITE Intelligence Group.

Washington has said it believes the parcel bombs were the work of Saudi militant Ibrahim Hassan al-Asiri, a suspected Al-Qaeda bombmaker believed to be hiding out in Yemen.

Since the scare, various bans have been imposed on cargo and flights originating from Yemen by the United States, Canada and many western European countries including Britain.


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