Techcombank, WU launch online money transfer service

July 26, 2012 | 09:49
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Techcombank and Western Union Money Transfer Company have joined hands to kick off an online money transfer service that allows customers to take delivery of money via their accounts, instead of coming to banks.

To use the service, customers have to open a bank account and sign up for F@st i-bank, an Internet banking product of Techcombank. Money will be transferred directly into customers’ accounts anywhere with Internet access.

Techcombank is one of the two first banks Western Union has chosen to introduce the service. The service allows customers to take Vietnam dong or US dollars.

Techcombank each year invests an average $15 million in technology to improve its products and services. It has nearly 300 branches and transaction offices and 11,000 ATMs connected to the Banknetvn, Smartlink and VNBC network.

The bank now serves over two million individual and 60,000 corporate customers.


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