fol hikes and merger plans on the cards

FOL hikes and merger plans on the cards

Mergers and acquisitions in Vietnam’s banking sector are anticipated to be more vibrant as more lenders look to increase the foreign ownership limit and enhance their footprint in weak banks’ restructuring process.
high interest rates compound business woes

High interest rates compound business woes

Businesses face mounting hardships due to the spike in interest rates, leading to shrinking results and significantly diminished production, as banks are called upon to show more sympathy to businesses.
banks urged to reduce costs to cope with nim drops

Banks urged to reduce costs to cope with NIM drops

To ensure net interest margin (NIM), banks are often choosing to raise output interest rates for borrowers but reduce the ability to fulfill debt obligations, while the central bank has also requested cuts in admin and expenses.
rising bad debt threat looms large

Rising bad debt threat looms large

Despite a bright business outlook, non-performing loans are causing significant concerns to banks amid a challenging environment in both the domestic and global market, according to industry experts.
banks bolster financial strength via mas and capital hikes

Banks bolster financial strength via M&As and capital hikes

Since the start of the year, several banks have been busy with mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and capital hike ventures to bolster financial health and keep up with ever-increasing development needs.
bad debts continue to soar at commercial banks

Bad debts continue to soar at commercial banks

The rate of bad debt is rising at commercial banks and is expected to increase further amid real estate market woes.
optimism abounds for more positive scenarios in macroeconomic forecasts

Optimism abounds for more positive scenarios in macroeconomic forecasts

In 20 reports from major investment banks in the world on 2023’s outlook, inflation and recession were mentioned with high frequency. However, investment opportunities in Vietnam may still appear in the first quarter.
gauging efficient investment channels for the year

Gauging efficient investment channels for the year

Looking back on 2022, right from the outset of the year, the economy rebooted strongly, reflected in economic growth data and banks’ lending practice. Yet by the end of the year, there were signs growth slowing due to the impacts from external and internal factors on the economy.
expanded credit probable for january

Expanded credit probable for January

The State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) will likely provide commercial banks with more credit room in January, according to economists.
lenders elevate charter capital moves

Lenders elevate charter capital moves

There have been positive signals of increased charter capital activities at commercial banks in recent weeks, especially those with state capital.
modest bank growth projected this year

Modest bank growth projected this year

Last year saw major changes in the banking industry, with total assets of the commercial bank group growing strongly, and most banks entering the race to diversify services. In 2023, challenges lie ahead in the context of a downturn in the real estate cycle and a less positive outlook for exports.
banks anticipate upward momentum in 2023

Banks anticipate upward momentum in 2023

Bank profit is anticipated to be stellar in Q4/2022, with the financial announcement season to take place after the Lunar New Year holiday, providing a catalyst for the industry to advance.
lenders search for further credit room

Lenders search for further credit room

As the gap widens among banks in terms of profit growth, on-year credit growth remains an important driver for banks, as it makes the largest contribution to pre-tax profit growth. Thus, banks are looking for an allocation of credit room this year.
cake efforts make sweet gains

Cake efforts make sweet gains

Though newly established, leveraging significant investment in technology, Cake by VPBank has emerged as one of Vietnam's top digital banks in terms of customer growth and service quality.
green credit initiatives urged to push ahead development

Green credit initiatives urged to push ahead development

Given stringent domestic capital mobilisation, Vietnam’s banks are turning into international financial institutions for growth expansion, particularly to strengthen their sustainable and environmentally friendly loan portfolios.