eu optimistic about business prospect in vietnam

EU optimistic about business prospect in Vietnam

Results of the 10th quarterly EuroCham Business Climate Index survey released on March 7 showed that business confidence and outlook among European businesses in Vietnam is improving slightly.
european businesses confidence in vietnam slightly improves

European businesses’ confidence in Vietnam slightly improves

Business confidence and outlook among European businesses operating in Vietnam is improving slightly, according to the European Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam (EuroCham).
business community finds its voice

Business community finds its voice

This year’s ASEAN-EU Business Summit, set to take place in Hanoi on March 8-9, is expected to convene about 600 local and international high-level decision makers and business leaders.
eurocham displays a guiding hand

EuroCham displays a guiding hand

The European Chamber of Commerce (EuroCham) in Vietnam last week launched its eagerly awaited White Book 2013, a high-profile report highlighting issues of great concern for European companies in Vietnam. VIR’s Tuong Thuy spotlights some of the hottest issues.
eurocham white book 2013 launch this week

EuroCham White Book 2013 launch this week

The European Chamber of Commerce (EuroCham) will this week unveil its White Book 2013, an annual report that identifies the year’s top business, trade and investment issues facing EuroCham’s members, as well as its recommendations to national policy-makers.  
eurocham survey shows new low in confidence

EuroCham survey shows new low in confidence

European companies that do business in Vietnam are becoming more pessimistic, with a new European Chamber of Commerce (EuroCham) survey showing confidence falling to a record low in the fourth quarter amid concerns over inflation and the impact of increased taxes, fines and official scrutiny.
eurocham business climate index falls to record low

EuroCham Business Climate Index falls to record low

press a vital business link

Press a vital business link

In recent years, we have been noticing promising improvements in the content quality of the local press - Paul Jewell Eurocham executive director
eurocham index pessimistic about business outlook

EuroCham Index pessimistic about business outlook

Vietnam’s business outlook has left European enterprises little to cheer about.
eurocham vietnams business climate index increases slightly

EuroCham: Vietnam’s business climate index increases slightly

eurocham to help unlock door to europe

EuroCham to help unlock door to Europe

“That’s why Vietnamese exports will also be very important and the market in the EU will be growing despite the crisis.”
eurocham helps local businesses extend capacity

EuroCham helps local businesses extend capacity

Vietnamese businesses were provided with information about exports to the European market at a seminar held by the European Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam (EuroCham) in Ho Chi Minh City on Nov. 2.
eurocham launches green business program city

Eurocham launches green business program city

A series of European conferences and exhibitions on green business will be organised in Ho Chi Minh City next week, the European Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam (Eurocham) said at a press briefing Wednesday.
eurocham launches trade policy recommendations

EuroCham launches trade policy recommendations

The European Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam (EuroCham) and the Ministry of Industry and Trade jointly launched a White Book on trade policy recommendations for Vietnamese business associations in Hanoi on August 19.
eurochams work recognized

EuroCham’s work recognized

EuroCham in Vietnam and its chairman Alain Cany last week received honourable awards from Vietnam’s top leaders for contributions to the trade and investment ties between Vietnam and the EU.