President welcomes Russia’s Primorye territory governor

March 30, 2016 | 09:19
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President Trương Tấn Sang asked Russia’s Primorye authorities to enlarge its market and connect with neighbouring regions so that Vietnamese products can gain access to the Far East, during a reception yesterday for the Governor of Primorye Territory Vladimir Miklushevsky.
President Trương Tấn Sang receives the Governor of Primorye Territory Vladimir Miklushevsky yesterday in Hà Nội.– VNA/VNS Photo Nguyễn Khang

Việt Nam and the Primorye Territory have enjoyed sound relations in recent years with increasing numbers of Vietnamese students and enterprises coming to the locality to study or seek business opportunities, President Sang stressed.

He said that Primorye leaders need to provide preferential investment policies to Vietnamese ministries and localities, while ironing out challenges in obtaining visas, establishing direct flight links, and working on labour conditions.

President Sang also confirmed that Vietnamese ministries and agencies will create optimal conditions to enhance collaboration between the two sides’ businesses.

For his part, Governor Vladimir Miklushevsky underlined the advantages of his locality’s external economic policies, which encourage infrastructure construction to lure foreign investment.

Being a leading economy in Russia’s Far East, Primorye has great potential in seafood processing and the wood industry, he said, adding that commodities from the province can easily access the Vietnamese market via the port in Vladivostok.

He expressed his hope that the two sides will work together in fields of mutual strength.

On the same day, President Sang met with Slimane Boudi, the First President of the Supreme Court of Algeria, in Hà Nội, where he stated that co-operation between Việt Nam and Algeria has unceasingly been broadened to include the law-making and judicial domains, since their establishment of diplomatic ties in 1962.

Sang noted that Vietnamese people have always remembered the huge, valuable support and assistance provided by Algeria during wartime and then throughout the country’s rebuilding efforts.

Judicial reforms form part of Việt Nam’s socio-economic development and are the crucial task of Việt Nam’s relevant agencies, he said.

Việt Nam is, therefore, seeking experience in the field from other countries, including Algeria, the President told his guest.

Slimane Boudi told the host that the two countries’ court sectors have established active co-operation and signed tens of cooperative documents in 2015-2016.


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