South Korea and Vietnam hold business forum in Seoul

July 01, 2024 | 18:34
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The South Korea-Vietnam Business Forum, co-hosted by the South Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) and the Vietnamese Planning and Investment Ministry, was held in Seoul on July 1 to mark the occasion of Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh’s visit to the country this week.
Korea and Vietnam hold Business Forum in Seoul on occasion of Vietnamese PM's visit

The forum was attended by approximately 500 attendees from both countries, including government officials and business leaders, among them Minister-Chairman of the Government Office Tran Van Son, South Korea’s Hyosung Group vice chairman Cho Hyun-sang, and Supex Pursuit Council chairman Choi Chang-won.

PM Chinh said, "After the more than three decades sine establishing diplomatic relationships, the relationship between Vietnam and South Korea has never been better than it is today. The friendly, trustworthy, and practical cooperation between our two countries is at a good stage of development because of our shared common values ​​and strategic interests."

"Currently, South Korea holds the top position in direct investment in Vietnam, and ranks second in development cooperation and tourism, and third in labour and trade cooperation. The Vietnamese community in South Korea boasts approximately 300,000 people. Meanwhile, Vietnam is home to around 200,000 South Koreans," he added.

Vietnam encourages South Korean businesses to expand investment cooperation in areas where South Korea is strong and Vietnam has demand, such as semiconductors, AI, infrastructure, biotechnology, renewable energy, and high-quality human resource training. The forum saw the signing of 23 MoUs in various areas between Vietnamese and South Korean businesses.

PM Chinh called on South Korean businesses to support Vietnam by providing financial resources, engaging in infrastructure construction, improving institutions and policies, training high-quality human resources, and improving smart management. Meanwhile, support should be provided to Vietnamese businesses to join the value chain of South Korean businesses.

In his welcome address, Korean Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy Dukgeun Ahn congratulated the launching of the forum in Seoul this year with the participation of business leaders following the previous year's forum in Hanoi, and proposed directions for bilateral economic cooperation and more vigorous exchanges through larger-scale trade and investment, stronger supply chain cooperation, and energy collaboration.

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By Thanh Van

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