President Sang visits Phu Yen to shore up local living conditions

February 24, 2014 | 09:28
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President Truong Tan Sang on Saturday asked the central province of Phu Yen to conduct a survey on the need to support local fishermen and those who live in areas vulnerable to climate change.
President Truong Tan Sang visits local residents in Phu Yen Province's Phu Dong Ward on Saturday. — VNA/VNS Photo Nguyen Khang

He made the statement during his two-day visit to the province that started last Friday.

Local residents from the province's Phu Dong Ward asked the President to support a fishery logistics centre and address problems caused by landslides triggered by high tides. They also asked for the canals in the area to be dredged to facilitate the transportation of fishing vessels.

The President instructed local authorities to address these problems as soon as possible to ensure the safety of people living in areas at high risks from landslides.

President Sang also visited the Vung Ro oil refinery factory in Dong Hoa District where he was updated on the progress of the project by investors. The construction of the US$4 billion project began in late 2013 and the refinery is expected to begin operations in 2018.

It covers an area of 538 hectares in Hoa Tam Commune and is expected to create jobs for 1,300 local workers.

On the same day, the president spoke with provincial authorities and praised the major achievements the province has made in economics, politics, national defense and policy building. He said the province had chosen the right path by deciding to focus on developing industrial trees like sugarcane, rubber and cassava, as well as offshore fishing.

Regarding the province's requests for judicial training, hydropower investment, natural disaster prevention and the expansion of Highway 1A, the President said the province needed to map out plans with detailed budget before any considerations were made.


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