Online music programme raises 55,300 USD for COVID-19 combat

April 28, 2020 | 11:51
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The Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) Central Committee on April 27 received 1.3 billion VND (55,300 USD) raised from an online music programme in support of the fight against COVID-19.
online music programme raises 55300 usd for covid 19 combat
The Vietnam Women’s Union (VWU) Central Committee and RSVP Vietnam JSC present the token of the relief to the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) Central Committee (Photo:

It was co-organised by the Vietnam Women’s Union (VWU) Central Committee and RSVP Vietnam JSC on April 25, which drew the participation of 20 artists and footballers, and more than 40,000 viewers.

VWU Vice President Hoang Thi Ai Nhien said the programme aimed to support women who are on the frontline as well as those affected by the ravaging pandemic.

Receiving the aid, Vice President of the VFF Central Committee Truong Thi Ngoc Anh spoke highly of the contributions made by the VWU to help COVID-19 prevention and control.

She hoped the VWU will continue to put forward new initiatives which help prevent the disease and bolster economic growth in a bid to stabilise lives, especially for women hurt by the pandemic.


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