APEC growth requires joint efforts of businesses and Governments

November 21, 2016 | 11:10
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​State President Tran Dai Quang urged APEC businesses to work with Governments to seek new impetuses for economic growth while co-chairing the dialogue and group meeting with APEC Business Advisory Council in Lima, Peru on November 19.
State President Tran Dai Quang (first, right) attends the dialogue and group meeting with the APEC Business Advisory Council in Lima, Peru on November 19, 2016.

State President Quang highlighted the determination of APEC economies to consistently pursue free trade and investment, accelerate growth quality, and support businesses, especially micro and small businesses to grasp opportunities of the fourth industrial revolution and digital era.

He took the occasion to ask for continued support and cooperation of the APEC business community for Viet Nam in 2017 as the country hosts the APEC forum.

The same day, State President Quang delivered a speech at the closing ceremony of the APEC CEO Summit which was attended by around 1,000 business leaders in the region.

He conveyed the message of welcoming all APEC businesses to the CEO Summit that will take place within the framework of the APEC Economic Leaders’ Week in the central city of Da Nang in 2017.

Viet Nam has gained numerous achievements after 30 years of reform to become a middle-income country and one of the fastest growing markets, said Mr. Quang, highlighting the nation’s goal to achieve the average growth of 6.5%-7% from now till 2020.

The country is now home to many multi-national corporations and has signed more than ten free trade agreements involving 59 partners, including 18 APEC economies, he said.

State President calls for implementing TPP soon

State President Quang, US President Barack Obama and leaders of other 10 member countries of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) met in Peru on the sidelines of the APEC Economic Leaders’ Week.

Speaking at the meeting, the Vietnamese leader highlighted Viet Nam’s determination to realize the new-generation free trade agreements, including the TPP.

State President Quang stressed the necessity to put the TPP into operation soon amid global trade slowdown and rising protectionism.

He also asked the TPP member countries to strengthen technical assistance and capacity building so that all members enjoy benefits of the trade deal.

The TPP was signed in Auckland, New Zealand on February 4, 2016.


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