A digital infrastructure drive for economic development

September 30, 2024 | 15:37
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We are at a pivotal moment in Vietnam’s journey towards digital transformation, alongside many leaders who are driving innovation through technology.

The rapid pace of this transformation is reshaping industries worldwide. Governments, businesses, and societies are increasingly reliant on cloud technologies and data infrastructure to boost economic growth, optimise services, and drive innovation.

A digital infrastructure drive for economic development

In Vietnam, our digital transformation agenda is part of a broader effort to create a digital government, economy, and society.

Over the past few years on the transformation roadmap, we have made great strides. Nearly 3,000 shared databases have been interconnected to national systems; an online public service platform boasts over 16.4 million user accounts; digital infrastructure development has taken place across the country, ensuring connectivity even in rural areas; and there is a surge in cashless payments, with over 87 per cent of the adult population holding bank accounts.

These achievements have set the stage for the next phase of Vietnam’s digital transformation in the coming time. In 2024, we have focused on developing a robust digital economy driven by advancements in the IT industry, governance, and data development, while expanding our cloud capabilities.

Cloud technologies play a pivotal role in this transformation, offering systems that are more scalable, adaptable, and efficient. By embracing various cloud solutions, organisations can innovate faster and respond quickly to changing demands.

The transition from traditional IT to cloud-based and, ultimately, cloud-native solutions is essential to building a dynamic and sustainable future for Vietnam.

A key pillar of this transformation is the development of the National Data Centre, which will serve as the backbone of our digital infrastructure. This centre will ensure secure, efficient storage, processing, and management of data, enhancing the government’s ability to deliver public services. It will also provide a foundation for data-driven decision-making across sectors.

The centre will standardise data management, ensure privacy, and facilitate seamless data sharing between government agencies, businesses, and international partners.

By integrating cloud technologies, the centre will offer a robust, secure environment for digital services, while maintaining the flexibility to scale as demand grows.

AI also plays a pivotal role in this transformation. Beyond automating processes and enhancing operational efficiency, AI holds the potential to revolutionise public services and also optimise the government’s functions.

In Vietnam, we are steadily integrating AI into the public sector, starting with smart city initiatives and applications like virtual assistance for government officials and citizens. As we explore generative AI and invest in related infrastructure, we unlock new opportunities for innovation, enabling more personalised services, streamlined operations, and broader societal benefits.

Our focus extends beyond adopting these technologies to developing digital talent. Vietnam is prioritising digital literacy and AI skill development to ensure our workforce is equipped to harness these technologies for growth and innovation. With the right talent, we can ensure that AI drives creativity, efficiency, and sustainability in our economy.

We see cloud computing and AI as essential to our mission, and are committed to restructuring Vietnam’s IT infrastructure into a digital infrastructure that is safe, flexible, and efficient. By embracing cloud and AI, we are enhancing the capacity of state agencies to manage and utilise data more effectively, accelerating Vietnam’s journey towards a digital future.

Some days ago, on September 16, the prime minister issued a directive calling on ministries and local authorities to study and replicate successful models such as Project 06 – a pioneering initiative leveraging population data and electronic identification to enhance public service delivery.

With the right infrastructure and AI capabilities, each organisation will be empowered to implement its own breakthrough project, positioning Vietnam to achieve significant milestones sooner rather than later.

The path to digital transformation is one of both challenges and opportunities. With the support of partners and the collaborative efforts of the government, business leaders, and technology experts, I am confident that we will achieve our vision of a digital Vietnam.

Together, we will build a modern, secure, and cloud-powered infrastructure that drives innovation and creates a more connected society.

VIR to host conference on digital economy development VIR to host conference on digital economy development

VIR will host a conference on digital economy development in Hanoi on September 30, gathering representatives from state management agencies, international organisations, and business experts.

VIR conference highlights factors driving digital economy VIR conference highlights factors driving digital economy

The VIR conference “Enablers for Digital Economy Development in Vietnam” is taking place in Hanoi on September 30, offering interesting discussions about Vietnam’s economy, market trends, and 5G commercialisation.

(*)Ho Duc Thang, acting director Digital Transformation Department Ministry of Information and Communications

By Ho Duc Thang

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