Transport Hospital to go public

September 25, 2015 | 14:12
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Vietnam’s first equitised medical facility, the Hanoi-based Transport Hospital, will officially launch its initial public offering on October 21 on the northern Hanoi Stock Exchange.

As many as 4,952,000 shares will be auctioned at the initial price of VND10,000 apiece. The total share volume on bid equals to 29.48 per cent of the hospital’s total chartered capital following equitisation.

Other 30 per cent of the capital (5.04 million shares) is reserved for the Vietnamese government, together with 10.52 per cent (1.768 million shares) for preferential sale to the hospital staff.

Strategic investors will be able to obtain the remaining 30 per cent (5.04 million shares) of the chartered capital. Being announced in late September, the T&T Group is so far the sole strategic investor approved by the Ministry of Transport.

After equitisation, the hospital is expected to have a chartered capital of VND168 billion ($7.8 million), equivalent to 16.8 million shares.

Transport Hospital’s value was estimated at VND158 billion ($7.4 million), covering 21,200 square metres in Dong Da district.

By By Thanh Xuan

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