Mobilising efficient capital for biodiversity-positive economy

Mobilising efficient capital for biodiversity-positive economy

Biodiversity loss affects every single aspect of life, including economic activities and the financial system.
Geopolitical tensions prompt a rethinking of trade

Geopolitical tensions prompt a rethinking of trade

Bouts of escalation in the Russia-Ukraine conflict continue to make headlines over the world. While the EU only grew by 0.5 per cent in 2023 with a prospective growth of 0.9 per cent in 2024, the Russian economy, despite the sanctions, grew by 3.6 per cent in 2023 and is expected to grow by 2.6 per cent in 2024.
Lessons in wealth management and suitable directions for Vietnam

Lessons in wealth management and suitable directions for Vietnam

Vietnam boasts great potential in financial service development. Finance lecturers Dr. Devmali Perera and Dr. Le Hong Hanh from RMIT University Vietnam touch on what the country can learn from the successful lessons of dynamic hubs in the region such as Singapore and Hong Kong.
Healthtech breakthroughs expected

Healthtech breakthroughs expected

Technology is created to support people. Mistakes in an important field such as medicine can have serious consequences, yet human errors cannot be completely avoided. Even if a mistake does not cause a serious impact, it can create inconvenience or loss of time and money.
RMIT and its goal to create positive impact in Vietnam and beyond

RMIT and its goal to create positive impact in Vietnam and beyond

As the first, largest, and leading international university in Vietnam, RMIT is committed to making a genuine difference in the communities in which the university operates.
HCM City, RMIT University strengthen cooperation

HCM City, RMIT University strengthen cooperation

Vice Chairman of the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee Duong Anh Duc received Professor Claire Macken, General Director of Australia’s Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) Vietnam, on June 6.
Growth with Industry 4.0: What are the sufficient conditions?

Growth with Industry 4.0: What are the sufficient conditions?

Digital transformation and Industry 4.0 are widely recognised as important stimuli for enterprise growth, yet what is really needed to make them work for Vietnamese businesses? RMIT University researchers reveal what insiders think.
ESG investing and the threat  of corporate greenwashing

ESG investing and the threat of corporate greenwashing

The term environmental, social and governance is now known far and wide. Dr. Seng Kiong Kok, interim senior programme manager for innovation and enterprise at RMIT University Vietnam, demystifies this major trends in investing, speaking with VIR’s Minh Ngoc.
Good wishes and birthday salutations

Good wishes and birthday salutations

Dominant business leaders, representatives of think tanks, and foreign business organisations, including some of VIR’s most loyal media partners, are celebrating the 29th birthday of our newspaper with us..
Scrutinising rules for transfer pricing

Scrutinising rules for transfer pricing

The implementation of the government’s Decree No.20/2017/ND-CP dated February 2017 and Circular No.41/2017/TT-BTC dated April 2017 – both effective from May 2017 and applied from the fiscal year of 2017 onwards – has raised several concerns among taxpayers regarding transfer pricing (TP) rules.
Non-profit schools on the rise

Non-profit schools on the rise

Despite early concerns about its feasibility, non-profit education is gaining ground in Vietnam with both foreign and domestic investors flocking to the burgeoning sector.