Supporting industries seek newer policies

Supporting industries seek newer policies

Vietnam’s supporting industries are failing to meet set targets, with a tendency to rely too much on overseas vendors instead of developing domestic suppliers, which is leaving foreign investors hesitant to enter the market.
Tax and fee support hinges on MPI proposal approval

Tax and fee support hinges on MPI proposal approval

Lingering woes in domestic production have sparked a need for new or extended policies to fuel enterprises, regardless of state budget revenue dents.
Brand new incentives planned for science-technology efforts

Brand new incentives planned for science-technology efforts

With sci-tech and innovation requiring changes in policies to develop in the digital era, new special incentives and legal improvements are being worked on and expected to take effect this year.
Groundbreaking policies required for telecoms sector

Groundbreaking policies required for telecoms sector

Vu Tu Thanh, deputy regional managing director for Vietnam at the US-ASEAN Business Council, spoke with VIR’s Bich Thuy about the needs to increase local attractiveness and competitiveness.
Specific guidance crucial for success of nation’s power plan

Specific guidance crucial for success of nation’s power plan

Both foreign and domestic investors are hoping for clarity and specific policies in Vietnam’s power strategy sooner rather than later.
PM calls for joint efforts to take care of sick soldiers, war invalids, revolution contributors

PM calls for joint efforts to take care of sick soldiers, war invalids, revolution contributors

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh on July 27 visited sick soldiers and war invalids who are being cared for at the Nho Quan nursing centre in the northern province of Ninh Binh on the occasion of the 76th anniversary of the War Invalids and Martyrs Day (July 27, 1947 - 2023).
More welcoming policies will rejuvenate tourism chances

More welcoming policies will rejuvenate tourism chances

Vietnam’s international tourism is slowly reopening and growing again, but it still has a long way to go.
Vietnam must revisit policies to develop implementation of global minimum tax

Vietnam must revisit policies to develop implementation of global minimum tax

Countries that have outbound and inbound investment activities have been making drastic moves in considering policies related to the global minimum tax (GMT). If Vietnam does not take immediate action or delays implementing it, it may miss the opportunity to have the right to tax and may be left behind in attracting foreign investment.
Effects of new policies on foreign-invested groups

Effects of new policies on foreign-invested groups

Foreign-invested enterprises are making a comeback and on the way to recovery after the extremely difficult last few years.
Policies bringing new prospects for sci-tech market

Policies bringing new prospects for sci-tech market

In the context of advantages and obstacles both at home and abroad, the science and technology sector has deployed tasks and solutions to contribute more to the country’s socioeconomic development, national defence, and security.
Can Tho needs to improve transport infrastructure to lure more investments: RoK official

Can Tho needs to improve transport infrastructure to lure more investments: RoK official

The Mekong Delta city of Can Tho will improve transport infrastructure and issue special policies to attract businesses, especially those from the Republic of Korea (RoK), said Min Moon-ki, Commercial Attaché of the Republic of Korea (RoK) Embassy in Vietnam.
All policies on table to ignite enterprises

All policies on table to ignite enterprises

Despite the economy’s step-by-step growth recovery, Vietnam is facing high unemployment and major risks emerging in the global market where its performance depends, affecting the country’s economic prospects.
Businesses seek stable tax policies for sustainable recovery in new normal

Businesses seek stable tax policies for sustainable recovery in new normal

Beverage businesses are calling for no tax increase to support them in the recovery path ahead, thus enabling them to develop more sustainably and contribute more to socioeconomic development.
Vietnamese tourism on the rise

Vietnamese tourism on the rise

Diplomats and tourism leaders have shared with VIR’s Hong Anh their thoughts on Vietnamese tourism moving forward, with the skies now opened and favourable policies on offer to attract international travellers.
Policies reinforced to ease inflation pressure

Policies reinforced to ease inflation pressure

With global oil price hikes staying at a very high level and domestic consumption gradually recovering, Vietnam’s inflation is expected not exceed the 4 per cent target by dint of tightened monetary policy and negative impacts from the health crisis on prospects.
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