vietnamese businesses invited to join selectusa investment summit

Vietnamese businesses invited to join SelectUSA Investment Summit

At an announcement on March 12, US Ambassador to Vietnam Marc E. Knapper revealed the 10th SelectUSA Investment Summit will be held June 23-26 in Washington, DC.
20 vietnamese firms seek opportunities in the us

20 Vietnamese firms seek opportunities in the US

20 Vietnamese businesses participated in the 2023 SelectUSA Investment Summit on May 4 to seek opportunities to invest or expand their operation in the United States.
us vietnam partnership intensifies

US-Vietnam partnership intensifies

American and Vietnamese businesses are increasingly tightening partnerships to pursue new investment projects.
us mission announces recruitment for 2019 selectusa investment summit

US mission announces recruitment for 2019 SelectUSA Investment Summit

United State Ambassador to Vietnam Daniel Kritenbrink on December 7 announced that he is recruiting companies to join the Vietnam business delegation for the June 10-12, 2019 SelectUSA Investment Summit in Washington, DC.