construction of singapore international school kicks off in haiphong

Construction of Singapore International School kicks-off in Haiphong

KinderWorld International Group held a groundbreaking ceremony for Singapore International School in Le Chan district in the northern port city of Haiphong on April 5.
kinderworld to develop singapore international school in haiphong

KinderWorld to develop Singapore International School in Haiphong

KinderWorld Vietnam won an auction on January 12 for the 3.04 hectare site for the proposed Singapore International School in Le Chan district of the northern port city of Haiphong.
more companies embrace sustainable development

More companies embrace sustainable development

Increasingly, companies across Vietnam are embracing corporate responsibility, sustainability, and building community relations. The presence of names such as Samsung, PetroVietnam, Sabeco, BRG, SeABank, Vingroup, Sun Group, Coninco, Kinderworld, and Gelex in community activities over the years is obvious.
long term vision from kinderworld

Long-term vision from KinderWorld

By playing a modest role in investing resources to promote human capital development across Vietnam, KinderWorld International Group is implementing strong commitments to contribute to a more educated Vietnam, as well as to a progressive and sustained relationship between Vietnam and Singapore.
tencent cloud signs agreement with kinderworld to develop smart campus in southeast asia

Tencent Cloud signs agreement with KinderWorld to develop smart campus in Southeast Asia

On February 17 Tencent Cloud announced its collaboration with education and training provider KinderWorld International Group, embodying Tencent Cloud’s commitment and intent to boost innovation in the education sector in the region.
kinderworld the essence of singaporean education

KinderWorld the essence of Singaporean education

Developed as one of the world’s most notable hubs for trade, finance, and education, Singapore – through the state-of-the-art performance of KinderWorld International Group – has demonstrated its prestige in Vietnam and beyond.
two meaningful decades for kinderworld across vietnam

Two meaningful decades for KinderWorld across Vietnam

As it marks 20 years of operations in Vietnam, Singaporean education group KinderWorld has contributed to set up a new level for international education in the country.
kinderworld creating global citizens

KinderWorld creating global citizens

Through 34 years of operation and development, Singaporean-based KinderWorld Education has taken steady steps from advanced traditional education methods towards applying the latest e-learning technology solutions. This creates a dynamic East-meets-West education and training system to prepare their students as global citizens of a highly dynamic and multicultural 21st century.
kinderworld continues to lead global top quality education

KinderWorld continues to lead global top-quality education

Singapore’s educational developer KinderWorld International Group has been growing from strength to strength in Vietnam. The firm’s chairman Ricky Tan shares with VIR the achievements and contributions in adapting the global education trends to Vietnam in 2019.
kinderworld nurturing young vietnamese people

KinderWorld nurturing young Vietnamese people

A Singaporean-based education institution is using its training courses, charity involvement, and knowledge development programmes to continue nearly two decades of helping young Vietnamese people prosper.
quang ninh opens international school and life skills education centre

Quang Ninh opens international school and life skills education centre

The completion of modern facilities for education and learning, especially the co-operation to organise life skill education programmes, has demonstrated KinderWorld’s commitment to providing high-quality education programmes for local and international students in Quang Ninh and surrounding provinces.
vir tees off 13th swing for the kids

VIR tees-off 13th Swing for the Kids

In the lead-up to the 2019-2020 school year VIR is to launch its ­annual charity golf tournament Swing for the Kids 2019 to raise fund for studious students in difficult ­circumstances.
swancity co operates with kinderworld for singapore standard education

SwanCity co-operates with KinderWorld for Singapore-standard education

The co-operation between SwanCity and KinderWorld will contribute to improving the quality of the education sector of Vietnam, while simultaneously luring customers to SwanCity projects.
kinderworld vietnam a journey towards success

KinderWorld Vietnam - A journey towards success

Last year will go down as a significant milestone in KinderWorld Vietnam JSC’s history as the company was honoured as the overall ASEAN Winner and Singapore Winner of SME Excellence – Growth in the ASEAN Business Awards 2018. Ricky Tan, the company’s chairman, looks at KinderWorld Vietnam’s long-haul development, their constant efforts to bring unique values to Vietnamese people, and their growth plans this year and in the forthcoming years.
swing for the kids swinging with kind hearts

Swing for the kids - Swinging with kind hearts

The twelfth annual golf charity tournament series Swing for the Kids kicks off in Hanoi in April, hoping to raise in the region of VND1.4 billion ($637,000) to enrich the Swing for the Kids scholarship fund.
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