long term development commitments realised through strategic ma moves

Long-term development commitments realised through strategic M&A moves

A potential rise in mergers and acquisitions is sparking concerns that local firms will lose competitiveness by selling themselves to foreign investors. However, experts believe that local businesses have more to gain than to lose by striking deals.
stepping up internal audits for businesses

Stepping up internal audits for businesses

According to Decree No.05/2019/ND-CP dated January 22, 2019 on internal audit (IA), target groups have until April 1, 2021 to deploy the IA function.
tomorrows deal dynamics for mergers and acquisitions

Tomorrow’s deal dynamics for mergers and acquisitions

Today’s economic environment is uncharted territory. The ways in which a business makes money in this new world will not necessarily be the same as before. Different skill sets are required, technological transformation will need to be accelerated, and supply chains may need to be adapted or localised.
getting to grips with digital change

Getting to grips with digital change

Human resources and an appropriate legal framework are seen as the backbone of the digital transformation, yet both remain limited. VIR’s Van Nguyen discussed with PwC Vietnam’s general director Dinh Thi Quynh Van possible solutions that could be implemented sooner rather than later.
employee experience as a catalyst for growth

Employee experience as a catalyst for growth

Employees are the lifeblood of any organisation. With technology advances entering the workplace, more people than ever are seeking out uniquely human elements in their work experience. By putting employee experience at the heart of the workplace, businesses can create an environment in which their people will gain a sense of purpose and remain motivated. 
ifrs for better financial reporting in vietnam

IFRS for better financial reporting in Vietnam

The recent announcement of a roadmap for international financial reporting standards (IFRS) in Vietnam marks a key milestone on the path of improvement of financial reporting quality in the country.
addressing nextgen unique needs

Addressing NextGen unique needs

The next generation is ready to take the baton at Vietnamese family businesses, putting to the task their fresh ideas. However, many of them feel discouraged by the lack of opportunities for advancement and career development at these family businesses. Hoang Hung, Entrepreneurial and Private Business leader at PwC Vietnam, discusses with VIR’s Hoang Anh this conflict highlighted by PwC’s latest report.
pwc study 24 billion trapped in net working capital in 2018

PwC study: $24 billion trapped in net working capital in 2018

Opportunities for cash release from working capital in the 2018 fiscal year would be more than $11 billion, according to the latest findings highlighted in PwC Vietnam’s second edition of the annual working capital study “Cash for growth or growth for cash?” 
smart risk protocols for a digital age

Smart risk protocols for a digital age

Risk management experts are facing a critical moment. While many technology risks are not new, faster adoption of digital initiatives could increase them beyond manageable levels. Pho Duc Giang, director of  PwC Vietnam Cybersecurity Ltd., looks into how business leaders could leverage efficient risk management to succeed in their digital transformation journey.  
banks need to step up third party risk management

Banks need to step up third-party risk management

This was the main topic of a workshop themed “Managing third-party risks under Circular 18” held in Hanoi by the Vietnam Banks Association, together with PwC Vietnam and PwC Vietnam Cyber Security Services Co., Ltd.    
pwc digital transformation should be part of a bigger strategy

PwC: Digital transformation should be part of a bigger strategy

Success in the digital era would depend on the ability of businesses to embed the right technology, grow the right talent, and apply good governance practices, experts from PwC Vietnam stated at the Vietnam Business Summit 2019 in Hanoi on October 16.
growing a solid digital workforce from within

Growing a solid digital workforce from within

A new PwC global survey shows that the majority of workers want to learn new skills to improve their employability in the digital era. But what can companies do to help? Dinh Thi Quynh Van, general director of PwC Vietnam, offers some suggestions.
ifrs 17 the controversy that has not come to an end

IFRS 17: The controversy that has not come to an end

As the first comprehensive and truly International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) to set up a consistent accounting framework for all insurance contracts, IFRS 17 is the result of an  initiative by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB).
banks look towards ifrs 9 practical implementation

Banks look towards IFRS 9 practical implementation

The transition to IFRS 9 will be challenging, but with careful preparations, the changes that this reporting standard brings might turn into opportunities for banks, experts from PwC and SAS said at a workshop held in Hanoi yesterday.
banks gearing up for change

Banks gearing up for change

Innovative technologies, changing customer demands, and shifting regulatory landscapes are transforming the global banking industry. John Garvey (left), Global Finanical Services leader of professional services firm PwC, and Grant Dennis (right), general director of PwC Consulting Vietnam, discuss the impact of these trends on Vietnamese banks and their shift towards a more customer-centric and digital mindset.