foreign investment streams accelerate bank restructuring

Foreign investment streams accelerate bank restructuring

Over the last thirteen months, the volume of foreign investment injected into Vietnam-based financial institutions (FIs) not only bolstered M&A (mergers and acquisitions) in the finance-banking sector, but also sped up the restructuring process at FIs.
kido acquires manufacturing and processing firm

Kido acquires manufacturing and processing firm

Vietnam’s leading food firm Kido Corporation (Kido) has completed the negotiations for the purchase of a food manufacturing and processing firm which has an annual revenue of VND1.6-2 trillion ($70.4-87.9 million).
industrial property stronger ties between local and foreign corporations

Industrial property: Stronger ties between local and foreign corporations

2017  has been another remarkable year in the manufacturing and industrial sector and 2018 will continue to see high demand for industrial and logistics properties with strong investments from operators, occupiers, and owners.
creador to invest additional 100 million in vietnamese ma deals

Creador to invest additional $100 million in Vietnamese M&A deals

After spending more than $40 million on buying into Mobile World Investment JSC (HoSE: MWG), Kuala Lumpur-based investment fund Creador will continue to invest an additional $100 million in M&A deals in Vietnam in the next three years.
2018 promising for foreign property investors

2018 promising for foreign property investors

Last year saw a lot of merger and acquisition (M&A) activities in the Vietnamese property sector, with transactions totalling US$1.5 billion and the participation of many major foreign players.
consumer finance market draws robust foreign capital inflows

Consumer finance market draws robust foreign capital inflows

Over the past several years, the Vietnamese consumer finance market showed undeniable charm to foreign investors with the forecasted market value of nearly $1 quadrillion by the end of 2018.
mwg and tag opened doors for further ma

MWG and TAG opened doors for further M&A

Acquiring Tran Anh (TAG) is expected create additional diversity in the operations of Mobile World Group (MWG), while the M&A deal between the two largest local electronic retailers also opens expectations for further M&A deals among competitors in the sector.
through jvs and mas fdi persists into realty

Through JVs and M&As, FDI persists into realty

This past year was seen as a dynamic and stable period for the real estate market. In 2018, developers, buyers, and lessors look to keep chasing after investment opportunities, as Vietnam continues to be a promising site for foreign investors.
moit announces next batch of hot ma opportunities

MoIT announces next batch of hot M&A opportunities

On the heels of the billion-dollar auction of Sabeco, the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MoIT) has just released a list of 10 large enterprises in the industry and trade sectors to conduct state divestment in 2018, attracting the attention of foreign and domestic investors.
ma in real estate sector to increase in 2018

MA in real estate sector to increase in 2018

Merger and acquisition (M&A) deals in Viet Nam’s real estate sector are forecast to increase in 2018, driven by the market’s significant potential, experts said.
foreign firms taking control of vietnamese ma market

Foreign firms taking control of Vietnamese M&A market

property ma trend higher in 2017

Property M&A trend higher in 2017

Both in terms of quantity and quality, 2017 has shaped up to be a landmark year for mergers and acquisitions in the property sector.
foreign firms buy into mergers

Foreign firms buy into mergers

Foreign firms control 75 per cent of mergers and acquisitions (M&A), Nguyen Quoc Viet, deputy general director of AVM Viet Nam Company, said yesterday.
watchdog gives nod to mobile world tran anh ma

Watchdog gives nod to Mobile World-Tran Anh M&A

The Competition and Consumer Protection Department under the Ministry of Industry and Trade has given the go-ahead for the merger and acquisition (M&A) deal between the two largest local electronic retailers – The Gioi Di Dong (Mobile World) and Tran Anh Digital World.
electronic giants setting foot in pharmaceutical retail

Electronic giants setting foot in pharmaceutical retail

In order to set foot in the pharmaceutical retail market, Mobile World Group (MWG) has chosen Phuc An Khang as the first M&A target, DigiWorld (DGW) is determined to deliver functional foods with the first products of Kingsmen, and Nguyen Kim tried to rise its shareholding by 51.14 per cent to dominate Lam Dong Pharmacy (LDP).