creating value for the community by going green phuc khang corporation ceo

Creating value for the community by going green: Phuc Khang Corporation CEO

'Green building' is a means for Phuc Khang Corporation to make the right products in line with global trends, spreading the green living spirit to everyone and contributing to the national strategy for green growth.
diamond lotus riverside is awarded lotus provisional certification by vgbc

Diamond Lotus Riverside is awarded Lotus Provisional Certification by VGBC

Green building developer Phuc Khang Corporation has recently celebrated its high-class Diamond Lotus Riverside being awarded Lotus Provisional Certification by the Vietnam Green Building Council (VGBC), making the first step to the Lotus Certification.
phuc khang in top 10 sustainable enterprises in vietnam in 2021

Phuc Khang in top 10 sustainable enterprises in Vietnam in 2021

Phuc Khang corporation has been ranked in Vietnam’s top 10 sustainable businesses in 2021, signifying the impressive rise of a responsible green developer.