Sanofi Vietnam signs MoU with BSB Nanotech to create circular economy for rice husks

December 13, 2021 | 08:04
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Sanofi Vietnam signed an MoU with BSB Nanotech to develop a new model of circular economy based on leading technology solutions through the “Rice is the new green” sustainability project.
Sanofi Vietnam signs MoU with BSB Nanotech to create circular economy for rice husks
Sanofi Vietnam and BSB Nanotech signing the MoU on the "Rice is the new green" project

This is a significant step towards establishing BSB Nanotech as a strategic partner in the “Rice is the new green” RING project with the aim of creating a circular economy for rice husks by converting rice husk material into pure silica for manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, and significantly reducing carbon dioxide emissions in Vietnam.

As part of a long-standing commitment to reduce its environmental footprint, Sanofi group launched a VND80 billion ($3.5 million) fund to support projects across the globe that will further contribute to a healthier environment. Sanofi Vietnam won the first price with its RING project that will be funded by Sanofi group.

Rice husks are generally considered waste. But in this project, rice husk becomes a source of biomass fuel that can be used to replace fossil fuels in most manufacturing industries. The Sanofi Vietnam factory located in Saigon Hi-Tech Park (SHTP) will replace diesel boilers with rice husk biomass boilers and remove 2.3 kilotons of CO2 emissions per year. This model is expected to pioneer in promoting other industries in Vietnam to seek alternatives to diesel fuel, contributing to a significant reduction in CO2 emissions nationwide.

In September 2021, Sanofi Vietnam and GIZ’s Climate Protection through Sustainable Bioenergy Market in Vietnam (BEM) signed an agreement on cooperation in implementing the RING project. GIZ has joined the project as technical advisor.

As a partner in the RING project, BSB Nanotech will play a key role to support Sanofi in applying a suitable technological solution to obtain high-quality silica for use in various industries, including pharmaceuticals, creating additional benefits and values for a project following circular economy principles.

Nguyen Viet Hung, CEO of BSB Nanotech said, "BSB Nanotech owns the technology for producing nanosilica from rice husk and is the first company in the world to convert rice husk to nanosilica on an industrial scale with multiple industrial applications. The RING project with technologies of BSB Nanotech is a sustainable circular economy concept that confirms the high performance of an international collaboration programme comprehensive technology solutions."

”The RING project is demonstrating the passion and commitment of Sanofi to support the green energy ecosystem in Vietnam,” said Eric Auschitzky, head of Sanofi Vietnam's Industrial Affairs. "We are extremely excited to have BSB Nanotech on board with the project as it will allow us to build a fully circular economy in Vietnam. This project is extremely ambitious as we are aiming to reduce significantly the CO2 carbon dioxide footprint in Vietnam while building a brand new biomass industry with massive positive social and economic impact for Vietnam.”

By Sanofi

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