RoK press delegation visits Thai Binh province

June 14, 2024 | 16:15
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A delegation of press agencies in the Republic of Korea paid a working visit to Lien Ha Thai Industrial Park in the northern province of Thai Binh on June 13.
RoK press delegation visits Thai Binh province
An overview of the working session between a delegation of press agencies in the Republic of Korea and leaders of Thai Binh province (Photo: VNA)

Thai Binh - A delegation of press agencies in the Republic of Korea paid a working visit to Lien Ha Thai Industrial Park in the northern province of Thai Binh on June 13.

At a reception held for the delegation, Chairman of the provincial People's Committee Nguyen Khac Than briefed the guests about Thai Binh's development potential and opportunities, stressing that it pays special attention to infrastructure development and transport connectivity. The province has a coastal economic zone with 30,583 ha of land, along with over 8,000ha of clean land ready for investors.

The province pays great attention to creating an open and attractive investment environment for domestic and foreign investors, he said, highlighting its attractive incentives and abundant workforce.

The official went on to say that the province sees the RoK as a comprehensive strategic partner and has organised many investment promotion activities, aiming to boost cooperation between Thai Binh and the East Asia nation.

According to Than, the province has sent several delegations to the RoK and held events in Vietnam to promote investment. He cited the Thai Binh - RoK cultural exchange and business connection programme called "Thai Binh Homecoming Day" which took place in December last year as a typical example.

The provincial leader expressed his hope that the RoK’s media will help popularise the land, people, and culture of Thai Binh province as well as its potential, advantages, and willingness to cooperate with Korean business community, thereby further fostering cooperation and investment promotion between Thai Binh and the RoK.

During the visit, the RoK press delegation also visited the construction site of a plant of RoK’s HiteJinro Group in Lien Ha Thai Industrial Park.

Established in 2021, the park has so far attracted more than 20 projects with a total investment capital of more than 1.3 billion USD.

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