Prime Minister approves scrap imports

December 27, 2014 | 09:28
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The prime minister has permitted the import of 36 different kinds of scrap as production materials, newly launched site Vietnamplus reported on December 26.
The import of kraft waste paper is legalised if they meet Viet Nam's environmental protection standards. – Photo

The scrap imports list includes plaster, iron particles, chemicals used in electronics production, and soft polyethylene particles. Also on the list are craft paper, copper and aluminum.

The decision only applies to scrap being imported as production material for domestic use. It does not apply to scrap being imported for re-export or scrap that is in transition through Vietnamese territories.

The prime minister has asked the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, in cooperation with other relevant agencies, to generate national technical standards on environmental issues for the 36 types of imported scrap.

The decision will go into effect on February 5, 2015 .


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