PM urges action to address consequences of Hanoi deadly fire

May 24, 2024 | 15:12
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Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh on May 24 signed off a dispatch demanding urgent moves be taken to address the consequences of a deadly fire in Hanoi’s Cau Giay district on the early morning the same day.
PM urges action to address consequences of Hanoi deadly fire
Vice Chairman of the National Assembly Tran Quang Phuong visits a fire victim at the Transport Hospital in Hanoi on May 24. (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi – Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh on May 24 signed off a dispatch demanding urgent moves be taken to address the consequences of a deadly fire in Hanoi’s Cau Giay district on the early morning the same day.

The blaze broke out at a house in an alley on Trung Kinh street in Trung Hoa ward, Cau Giay district, at around 0:46am on May 24, killing and injuring many people.

On behalf of the Government, PM Chinh offered sympathies and condolences to the bereaved families and the injured victims.

He assigned Deputy PM Tran Hong Ha to come to the scene to directly steer the incident settlement.

Meanwhile, the Hanoi People’s Committee was ordered to visit and deliver material and spiritual assistance to the victims’ families, coordinate closely with the Ministry of Public Security (MPS) to direct forces to resolve consequences and quickly investigate fire causes as well as responsibilities of related organisations and individuals, and stringently deal with violations (if any) in line with law.

The leaders of the MPS, relevant ministries, sectors and agencies, along with the provincial-level People’s Committees were told to push ahead with the serious, drastic, effective, and substantive implementation of the National Assembly, Government, and PM’s documents on fire prevention and control.

They also have to review legal regulations and conditions about fire prevention and control and report results to the PM before July 30. In addition, it is necessary to devise immediate fire safety measures for the housing for rent, strictly handle wrongdoings, and step up communications to equip people with fire safety and rescue skills, especially in high-risk places in the coming hot season, according to the dispatch.

At least 14 killed, 3 injured in house fire in Hanoi At least 14 killed, 3 injured in house fire in Hanoi

At least 14 people were killed and three others were injured in a blaze at a house in an alley on Trung Kinh street in Trung Hoa ward of Hanoi’s Cau Giay district in the early morning of May 24.


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